Get ready to countdown to Christmas with 25 Creative Christmas Countdown Ideas that won’t break the bank or keep you on a schedule!

I love the thought of an advent calendar, but I will be honest with you I am terrible at them. I have good intentions and they have a great concept, but I find myself so pressured to do all of these fascinating things for the days leading up to Christmas. With family, a husband and three kids, not to mention a job and life, I suck at them. Yeah I know blah, blah, blah, cry me a river Mandi. That is probably why I would be a terrible parent with the Elf on the Shelf, not to mention he freaks me out a bit too. 

So with that being said I created a countdown to Christmas without the added pressure of prepping for each day. I have included simple and easy ways to get into the spirit of Christmas, to show our generosity and love and most of all to remember why we celebrate Christmas in the first place. All of this would not be here if it wasn’t for the birth of Jesus.

25 Creative Christmas Countdown Ideas

They are in no particular order, you can use them when you wish and how you wish. You aren’t tied down to a day and most of all there are no rules! Take this free printable I have provided, cut out each activity and use as you wish and when you wish.

Read a Christmas Book (or three or five):

Simply read a Christmas book with your kids. Snuggle up by the fire and maybe even get them to read one to you. (If you don’t have Christmas books, this is a great opportunity to buy some inexpensive ones at the thrift store or check out this 25 Days of Christmas books.)

Christmas Movie Night: 

Pick a Christmas movie, snuggle on the couch under blankets, and watch a Christmas movie with the kiddos.

Make a Card for a Soldier:

Our soldiers do so much for us. No matter how we feel about our country today they are the backbone of what this country is made of so show some love. Make sure to check your local Red Cross chapter to see where to send your letters.

Pay for a Stranger’s Coffee:

Next time you are in the Starbuck’s line pay for another person’s cup of coffee. Share some coffee with a stranger!

Donate Books:

Donate books to your local library or hospital. They always need more books.

Give Treats to Your Mail Carrier:

Here in the Middleton household we love giving out Christmas treats. We always have sweet treats on hand during the Holidays and we love sharing our gratitude with our mail carrier. We see the job well done even when she thinks we don’t.

Donate Toys:

Donate toys to your favorite charity. A little bit can go a long way. But, please make sure the toys aren’t broken. Keep in mind gently used or heck go and buy brand-new!

Smile at Everyone You See:

This one may sound cheesy, but seriously a smile can go a long way. I come from the South and we greet everyone! It shows warmth and compassion in a broken world. Be the light we so greatly need right now!

Take Cookies to the Local Fire Station:

I know for a fact these men and women would love this gesture! They love showing support for their community, so wouldn’t it be fitting to show support for them.

Take Coffee to Your Kids’ Teacher:

This gesture would not go unnoticed. Teachers right now probably need more coffee this time of year anyway. The kids are ready for Christmas and they have had too much sugar by this time of year. Show some support for your favorite teacher!

Let Someone Go Ahead of You In Line:

Although this may seem small, it is huge in my book. When my twins were babies and someone would let me dart in front of them in the store line this was huge! Having two infants and a toddler can be challenging at the store, so this act of kindness never was overlooked, it meant the world to me always!

Pass Out Stickers for Kids in Line:

My kids and I love doing this when we visit Disney World. Those lines can get long, so we will pass out stickers or blow bubbles to the kids around us. The entertainment can go a long way. 

Do a Secret Act of Kindness for Someone Without Telling Them or Claiming It:

This will go a long way and will make you feel like a million bucks as well. We don’t always need recognition for the nice things we do for others. The greatest recognition is by God, nothing can top that one anyway.

Read Scripture:

Every night leading up to Christmas read scripture. Follow along with this list of scriptures.

Wrap Presents Together as a Family:

You have to do it anyway. Get the kids involved. Put your perfectionism aside and let them wrap the presents their way. 😉

Old Family Photos:

Look at old Christmas photos of the past and share them with your kids. They will love seeing mom and dad before they were born or even seeing themselves as babies.

Play Mad Libs:

I don’t know what it is, but saying the word butt or toot always gets my kids giggling. Heck, it does the same to Chris and I. (That is what happens when you have child-like minds.) 😉 Christmas Mad Libs will get you giggling for sure!

Christmas Drawing Activity:

Enjoy a drawing activity with the kiddos this year and then use it for Christmas decor! Art for Kids Hub has some great stuff for kids to draw.

Have a Sing-A-Long:

I married into a very musically inclined family and I love it when we all get together and sing. The kids love it and the adults do too!

25 Creative Christmas Countdown IdeasBake Together:

Kids love to help mom in the kitchen and Christmas is no exception. Whip out those recipes and watch the kitchen come to life!

Decorate the Christmas Tree:

This one is a given, but this year take the time to tell your kids about the traditional ornaments you have for your tree. Reminisce and show the love of Christmas by this simple act.

Pray for Someone:

Show the love of Jesus by praying for others during this Holiday season.

Candy Cane Fun:

Keep Candy Canes in your purse or car. Pass them out as a random act of kindness to random people throughout the day. Give them to the grocery clerk, your waiter or waitress, your bank teller, the list goes on and on.

Lego Building Challenge:

I don’t know about your kids, but mine love legos and they love their dad and I to get in on the fun too. What better way to bring everyone together than by bringing the Legos out!

Christmas Socks:

Start a tradition by getting fun Christmas socks for the whole family. Take everyone shopping, during this time of year they are as cheap as a $1. Or you can whip out some from years past!


Okay, so this one probably shows my immaturity, but it will for sure bring some fun to you and yours’. It is not really Christmas related, but it’s oh so fun and brings lots of laughter too! This game is a must! If you follow me on Insta Stories you know my family and I play this game A LOT! It is so much fun!

Alright so there you have! 25 (26) Creative Christmas Countdown Ideas! Have fun and Merry Christmas!

100 Holiday Gifts on a Budget

Make sure to check out, 100 Holidays Gifts on a Budget, to find the perfect gift for your family and friends. 

100 Holiday Gifts on a Budget

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