17 Ways You Get Crap Done On the Days You Feel You Get Nothing Done

Mama, here are 17 Ways You Get Crap Done On the Days You Feel You Get Nothing Done!

It’s the end of the day. You look at the dishes in the sink, the floors are disgusting and your hair looks like something off of a sci-fi movie and you wonder what the hell you actually got done. From the looks of it, you never even got out of bed! Speaking of bed…. Can we go back to bed?

Oh my friend, do not fret, you did get a lot done today! Never worry, I am here to remind you!

17 Ways You Get Crap Done On the Days You Feel You Get Nothing Done

  1. You cooked today! Yes, reheating your coffee a gazillion times this morning counts as cooking! Yay you!
  2. You managed to shut the front door a thousand times today, saving your family tons of money on that power bill. You were able to do this even as your kids were constantly in and out: playing outside and then came inside to pee, playing outside again, then they came in to get a snack, then they played outside, then they  came in to bother you- I mean ask you for a snack. I think you get the drift here, but you managed to shut the door behind them every single time, because for some reason they are completely incapable and you are supermom!
  3. As you passed by the laundry room you wondered what the mystery smell was only to find out it was the clothes from a few days ago you washed and have now soured. What is a girl to do? Rewash and add a few more from around the house. That counts for doing a load of laundry for sure. You have totally got this!
  4. That pesky chin hair was long enough this morning, so you grabbed that sucker with the tweezers. Now you are as good as new. It’s like you went to the salon, without the hefty salon bill.
  5. You wiped butts all day long. Because ya know, what better things do you have to do? Seriously?!
  6. You managed to keep your tits calm as your kids throw a temper tantrum, because you wouldn’t let him sit on a balloon. (Who gave them that stupid balloon anyway…?)17 Ways You Get Crap Done On the Days You Feel You Get Nothing Done
  7. You hugged and kissed his boo boo when he sat on the balloon anyway and of course it popped and so he lost his &*%$. But, guess what?! You didn’t and you loved on that baby regardless of the fact that he didn’t listen to you! Yay you!
  8. You fed your children at every meal and gave out snacks in-between. This is not an easy task. There is a lot of chopping, prepping and sometimes fighting! But, all of you managed to stay alive and the children are happy and fed…for the moment.
  9. You managed to find the disgusting mystery smell in the fridge, which was…. Well the jury is still out on that. It is still a mystery, but that crap is gone now thanks to you and you aren’t the least bit upset about losing the storage container that housed that nastiness.
  10. You managed to get dressed. You know….. into your best yoga pants. Bathing maybe not, but at least you are dressed. There is always tomorrow for bathing right?!
  11. You even saved one of God’s creatures! You kept your cool when a lizard was let loose in your house. Instead of killing the little green thing you placed an empty garbage can face down over it and left it for your husband to deal with when he got home. You saved one of God’s own and dared the children to touch the garbage can. Heck you were so awesome you managed to keep them out of that room the rest of the day!
  12. You exercised. You ran up and down the stairs while getting your daughter ready for a rehearsal all while the twins are running around naked. Heck, I say that counts as a family workout. Double bonus!
  13. You were a referee and you weren’t paid for your time like they are in the pros. You did it with grace and didn’t retreat to your bedroom with a bottle of mommy’s grape juice. You are a volunteer and a champion.
  14. You planned a playdate for your child, only to come to your senses thirty minutes later and cancel because you swear you are coming down with the flu. Cough. Cough.
  15. You cleaned up poop because your 1-year-old twins decided to throw it on each other and in their cribs.
  16. You detoured your child from a painful death. Good lord, why do they feel they need to use your yoga mat as a sled only to push each other down the stairs?
  17. You put your kids to bed. This included prayers, stories, a thousand trips to the restroom, a lot of screaming, crying (mostly on your part, but that’s okay you-deserve the cry) and a gazillion sips of water.

17 Ways You Get Crap Done On the Days You Feel You Get Nothing DoneYou survived the day! Yay you! See you did a heck of a lot today!

All jokes aside…..

Mothering is hard, but it is so rewarding at the end of the day. We can either laugh about it or cry. I choose to laugh most days, but some days I cry and that’s okay too!

Mama, you are way more valuable than you think! Don’t ever doubt the importance of your role. And don’t ever doubt how great you are! You are mom! You are awesome! And you are the perfect mother for your children! With life’s messes and all!

Now go get you some rest. Tomorrow comes bright and early and you know those sweet little things you call children never sleep as late as you want them to.

Until next time….

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photo credit: Have No Fear… Unless You Make Me Mad via photopin (license)
photo credit: #ds302 – Trail of Tears via photopin (license)